A Day at Behaviour Interactive

On Wednesday, November 30th, Montreal students got to visit Behaviour Interactive’s Montreal studio. Located just a few metro stops away from the Academic Center, it was a quick and easy trip to the studio. Upon arrival, we were greeted at the doors and led into a large meeting room, our home base for the visit. We were all given some Behaviour Interactive swag – including a pen and enamel pin – and got to put away our bags and coats before getting a quick rundown on the studio.

Behaviour is best known for their multiplayer survival horror game, Dead by Daylight, but the company has existed since 1992, making both original titles and games for existing franchises. Currently, Behaviour is continuing work on Dead by Daylight, as well as a new game, Project S, which is still in development. 

Next, we got a tour of the studio – at least, one floor of it. The full studio spans multiple floors of the building, but due to the confidentiality of other projects, we only toured one, which is mainly dedicated to work on Dead by Daylight. We passed by multiple meeting rooms, employees working in the large, open-concept office space, and a large shelf of awards and memorabilia the studio’s games have garnered. We also walked through their large cafeteria/lounge, where we were offered coffee or tea in very official Behaviour Interactive mugs!

We returned to our meeting room, where we had another presentation focused on the studio culture. For this, we were joined by a group of employees from multiple departments – art, design, and programming – who told us about their own experiences working at Behaviour, from what a typical day looks like to how they were supported during the hiring process. The presentation soon turned into an open conversation, where we were able to ask whatever questions we had, both about the studio as well as general portfolio, resume, or internship advice. Everyone we spoke to was incredibly eager to talk with us, and clearly very passionate about their work and company. To say we felt welcome would be an understatement! 

But soon, it was time for lunch – yes, lunch, from Behaviour’s very own BEstro. We headed to the cafeteria, where we got a fantastic meal of deliciously seasoned chicken with veggies and couscous. Montreal’s food is notoriously good, and the chefs at Behaviour certainly live up to the standard – this was one of the best meals I’ve had so far in the city, and that’s saying something. 

After lunch, it was time for us to go. We returned our visitor badges, said our goodbyes, and headed out. It was a great visit – we got some very valuable insight into the studio culture as well as the industry as a whole, and was a well needed boost for us Montreal students as we head into finals.

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