Beat Nation

Beat_nation_tour_2Amodif-790x1024The Beat Nation exhibit in Montreal, Canada at the Museum of Contemporary Art,  was a vivid example of how the indigenous and the modern day can coexist together. Some of the pieces were of indigenous dancing that was videotaped and put to modern day hip-hop music. Others were paintings on vinyl records. These works represented the fusion of beings and elements in the world and the harmony that can exist between people and the meeting of civilizations. 

 One of the artists there, Duane Linklater, said that he is interested in, “examining the fraught relationship that beatnation1exists between Aboriginal and hip hop cultures and the entitlement that is often assumed on the part of one marginalized group to speak of another”. As we have come to learn the Canadian government and the indigenous peoples of the country have been at odds for centuries. This exhibit is an attempt to give insight on how the indigenous accept the modern day and modern economics, but they will not conform to society. They will work with the modern day government but want to keep their way of life, which they believe can both work in unity.

– Erika Buglee, Graphic Design Major, Fall 2013

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