Hello! I am starting this blog to keep you informed about what’s going on at the Montreal Campus of Champlain College. I’m Shona, the student activities coordinator at the Montreal Campus, and also your tour guide!

Champlain College‘s primary campus is located in Burlington, Vermont. Champlain’s focus is to provide students with an education that is focused on learning skills and gaining experience. There are 23 students from Champlain who are living and studying in Montreal, Quebec for the semester. Most are in electronic gaming related majors (such as 3-D art and animation, or game design), but others are in majors such as international business, marketing, broadcast journalism, or professional writing.
Many students knew each other from previous classes, but due to the mix of majors here, students have become friends with different types of people. This is really a great group, and the students refer to themselves as a big family!
While the students are here, they normally take four classes, study, and do the normal things that they are used to in Burlington. Since they’re in Montreal- an exciting city filled with culture and events- they also do tons of fun things! A few weeks ago, we went to Quebec City for the weekend, to tour the historical part of the city, go on a spooky ghost tour, and eat lots of French food. Last weekend, we played Laser Tag for hours, and we all had a blast. Next weekend, I’m taking 16 students to Ottawa, the capital of Canada.
I’ll be keeping this updated to let you know what else is going on around our part of town!