The Montreal students here are pretty lucky, since their classes often take them to places that they otherwise wouldn’t get to visit. Two weeks ago, the Communication and Ethics class was taken to Ubisoft for a private tour of the game company. That same week, the Global Environmental Earth Science class had a workshop of how to grow elm oyster mushrooms for consumption. It was pretty great- the students learned how to grow their own food for later!
Last week, the graphic design course went on a photography excursion around the mile-end of Montreal. They visited a silk-screen shop, and one student got a poster of his work printed there.
Last Friday, the Art History class went to the Museum of Archaeology and History in Montreal.
On Thursday, I took 10 gaming students on a tour to Hibernum, which is a small game studio in Montreal. The vice president there presented a personalized tour for us, and offered very good advice about what qualities are sought after when game studios are recruiting. This was a really good experience for the students. Often in other colleges, you learn how to do something in theory. Lots of students come out of other colleges with a lot of factual information, but don’t have much experience, and may not really know how to apply what they learned to actually get a job. At Champlain College, I feel that the professors really try to give the students a more realistic view of their profession in real life.