E-Discovery in Ireland

On October 26th, fellow classmate Patrick O’Brien and myself were given the opportunity by Champlain Abroad Dublin to attend the one and only conference in Ireland on E-Discovery.  The organizer and host company of the conference, Cernam, kindly offered 5 Champlain Digital Forensic students tickets. With short notice, we were lucky not to have made previous plans for this date.

E-Discovery is a rather technical topic that relates to the Computer and Digital Forensics major in that it can change how our jobs are done just by simply changing the way evidence is looked at and gathered.  Not only was this a technical conference, but it also heavily emphasized the legal and civil side of the field, which was very enlightening as we do not get much insight into that half of the field during our regular courses. 

Owen O’Connor – Cernam

During the course of the day, we were able to listen to some very high profile speakers talk about the work the do in the field and the changes that are coming in the field.  We also were able to meet Owen O’Connor, who runs his own business in Ireland, Cernam, as well as having been a professor at Champlain in the past.  He was absolutely amazing to both of us, talking to us about the differences in civil and criminal aspects of the major and showing us a new tool that his company has been developing which can be a game changer in the field as time goes on. 

This experience was a phenomenal learning opportunity and I personally feel that if the opportunity arises again, any student at all interested should make every effort to attend, as they will get more out of it than they can possibly imagine.

DJ Palombo, 
Digital Forensic Major
Champlain Abroad Dublin, Fall 2012
Champlain College, Class of 2014 

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