End of Term BBQ

Exams are done and this weekend all of the students will be leaving Dublin, most bound for home but some continuing their European adventures.  It’s been a great semester here at Champlain College Dublin, great students, fantastic weather for the most part, great activities, lots of travel and new experiences for everyone involved with the college.  The staff and faculty will miss each and every one of those students that contributed to the experience.

Our final event was a BBQ at the Academic Centre held last night.  Burgers and sausages on the grill, salads, desserts, faculty kids running around, Andy and Devon on guitar, and every single one of our students turned up as did most of the faculty.  Even the rain couldn’t dampen the spirits.  I think that says a lot for the sense of community that has developed amongst the group over the past 4 months.

Anyways, I could go on and on, but I’ll leave it at this.  Safe travels everyone, and keep in touch.

Stephen Robinson – Director and Associate Professor

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