Green Up Dublin – A Great Success!

The forecast had promised sun all week so it didn’t really feel fair waking up to a typical Irish drizzle on Saturday morning. I was hoping this hadn’t changed the mood of all the students who had signed up for Champlain’s litter picking event ‘Green Up Dublin’. There was certainly no need for worries. Once I arrived to our meeting point at Dublinia, there was already a large group of students waiting. It was particularly great to see the mix of nationalities as we had invited EF English language school to join us. A great blend of international students from US, Japan, Chile, Venezuela, Italy, Spain and Taiwan – all in Dublin, Ireland to explore, immerse and engage!

Rallying the Troops. Photo: Graham Byrne
Jordan Wheeler, Resident Assistant helped out as one of the group leaders for the day. Photo: Graham Byrne
The students were divided into groups and given maps, gloves, litter pickers bags. With great enthusiasm, the 50 students in total cleaned and ‘greened up’ their way through the city to finally gather in the Academic Centre on Leeson Street. The warming spring sun had at this point decided to join us again and made the BBQ in the back garden lovely. The student lounge was also hopping with students joining in on Wii boxing and Jenga.
Students waiting for the well deserved BBQ!
Photo: Kyle Kelly

Thank you all who made the day a great success! Bring on Green Up Dublin’ 2012!

-Lilly Johnsson, Operations Manager, Champlain College Dublin

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