Champlain Abroad students have been in Dublin for almost a month now. The time is moving quickly, and while becoming familiarized with the zigzagging streets and vibrant nightlife of the city, it can be difficult to grasp the more subtle, covertly charming aspects of life in Ireland, especially found in casual Irish conversation. Thanks to the help of Champlain Abroad Dublin alumni, a list of such common slang terms has been compiled which one is likely to hear in any Dublin bar, cafe, or street corner.
Small Talk:
The Black Stuff – Guinness

It’s one of the things Dublin is best known for.
Class – Cool

Just a classier way to say it.
Craic – Fun

So don’t get freaked if someone asks you where the craic is. You’re not in America anymore.
Eejit – Idiot

The Fear – The regret one feels after a night of heavy drinking.

Garda – Police

Still getting used to the idea of Irish Police not carrying guns like American police.
Gas – Hilarious
Grand – Ranging from fine to great (context clues)

“Brilliant” is also just as common.
Lads – You guys

Not always gender-specific, though.
Pet hate – Pet peeve
Savage – Awesome

Some even throw this term around back in the states.
Scarlet – Embarrassed
The same color your cheeks turn when your mom calls during class because she forgot about the time difference. Again.
The Shift – French Kissing

Slainte! – Cheers!

Thanks a mil – Thank you so much!

Or Merci beaucoup! like our Champlain Abroad peers in Montreal will be saying all next semester.
What’s the story? – What’s up?
They don’t actually want you to tell them all about the James Joyce novel you’ve been reading in Lit class.
Wrecked – Tired

How everyone felt that first week after jet lag got the best of us. Knackered means the same thing.
Everyday items:
Beermat – Coaster

So you don’t leave rings of condensation on Stay City’s countertops.
Bobbin – Bobby Pinn.

Also called long Kirbies. A hair bobbin can also be used for an elastic hairband.
Jacks – Toilet facilities

Jumper – Sweater

Dublin: the magical place where every day is sweater weather
Plaster – Band-Aid

It’s a good idea to always keep some of these with you. Walking around Dublin every day is great, but you’re bound to get blisters.
Purse – Wallet

Almost the same as back in the states, but not quite.
Rubber – Eraser

A Champlain Dublin alumni once were shocked when a child asked him for a rubber. Yeah, they just meant an eraser.
Rubbish – Trash

Could also be used in place of the word “nonsense.”
Serviettes – Napkins

Tills – Cash Register

Vest – tank top

So if you see a sale on vests at the mall, it’s probably not quite what you’re thinking.
Wellies – Rainboots

You could use these just about any day here in Dublin.
Chicken Goujons – Chicken Nuggets

Chips – French Fries

Gerkin – Pickle

Rocket – Arugula

Pretty much the whole world calls it this apart from North America.
Sambo – Sandwich

Poulet Bonne Femme near Trinity College won “Best Sambo” for 2016. Sounds worth a 15-minute walk.
Take-away – Take-out

There are many places in Dublin with take-away options. Some even deliver, though there’s no Mr. Delivery like back home in Burlington.