Congratulations, you’ve been accepted to study abroad! Now, what comes next? You may be wondering some steps you can take to feel more prepared for your time abroad. A good way to prepare is to learn a little bit of the local language. Knowing how to say a few words shows a respect for your new culture and is usually appreciated.
We recommend prospective abroad students to become familiar with the native language(s) of the places they plan on going, as being able to say a few words shows a respect for your new culture and is usually appreciated. Additionally practicing the language is a great way to get familiar with the sounds of your new life. We asked some of our abroad alumni what language apps they used to study their target language; some of the apps they recommend are Babbel, Duolingo, LinGo Play, and Mango Languages.
All of these apps are very useful, but not all of them are free to use. Mango Languages is a really good tool for those wanting to learn a new language, and Champlain College students can access it for free! Mango Languages is great for learning Irish, French, and many other languages as well.
To access this site for free, first go to the Champlain College Library and search “mango languages.”

Once you log in, you will see at the top of the search results on the left side there is a section for the Mango Languages website. Click on “About this publication.”

Next, click “Full text access” and then “Mango Languages.”

From there, you will be brought to the Mango Languages website, and you should be able to create an account. Make sure to use your Champlain email. Then you’re done! You can now search for your target language and get started with lessons.