Tuesday 14th January – Comedy Night
At the second day of classes, the Champlain Abroad Dublin RA Colleen Rooney led an outing to a Comedy Club quite close to the student apartments. Students packed into the back rows of Chaplin’s Comedy Club to witness 10 local and national comedians preform. Naturally, being such a large group the comics singled out a few of the students and made a few teasing remarks about American culture, but the Champlain students give as good as they got and engaged in witty banter with the comedians.
Thursday 16th January – Karaoke
Famed for striking up a song, the Irish locals were given a run for their money when 60 plus attended a Karaoke night at the north Dublin bar and restaurant The Woolshed. Champlain students took turns stepping up to the mic singing a range of songs form country to Rap, in duets, groups and even some braver students did solos. A great night’s ‘craic’ was had by all.

Sunday 18th January – The Little Museum of Dublin
Champlain students received a comedic and historical crash course introduction to Ireland in the 20th Century. The tour of the memorabilia museum allowed the students to learn about the massive changes that occurred in Ireland over this fascinating 100 years period. Lots of quirky facts were included, like during the 1916 rebellion against the British fighting halted daily for an hour to allow for the ducks in the park to be fed. The fun and factual tour provided a great base understanding for students to further understand the Irish culture. Also, U2 fans were treated to an exhibition dedicated to the group’s global fame.