Extreme Snow in Dublin!

It’s been a really hectic week at Champlain College Dublin. First of all, the students have returned from their Thanksgiving break after having travelled to many parts of Europe. Second, the weather here has been cold and snowy. Now I know most Vermonters are used to this, but for Ireland this is a real problem. Dublin apparently doesn’t own any snowplows, sanders, or salt machines. And of course Irish drivers (nuts at the best of times) really don’t know what to do with snow and ice. Public transport is a mess, and something like 40% of all workers have stayed away from work. The airport has been closed off and on.

The Champlain College Dublin staff consists of a Canadian, a Swede, and an Irish woman who grew up in Wisconsin. And of course the students are used to Burlington winters so nothing stops them. So we’ve managed to survive, but listening to people on the street this is akin to a natural disaster.

At least the government are happy that attention has been deflected away from the finance woes striking the country.

Here’s hoping the weather improves soon! I closing here’s a photo in the backyard of Champlain College Dublin taken this afternoon.

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